The “Waouh Effect” : a key factor behind the success of Low Cost companies.

31 12 2007


The Waouh Effect is a crucial reason explaining a part of the growing success of low cost offers in any field. It is the reaction that clients and consumers have when they discover the BIG price difference between a low cost offer and a traditional “high cost” company’s offer for a product or service not SO different! The “Waouh Effect” starts with a surprise : “how is it possible ?”. Then goes to angry : “the high cost companies have been making outrageous profits on my back!”. Then the client has an amazing will to shout the good news to all his relatives : “you MUST try this… it is amazingly interesting!” And the “word of mouth” is at its maximum… The Waouh Effect is the best advertising a company can dream of : it is free, it is made by the customers themselves, it is made by friends and relatives to their personal “circle”, thus with a high level of credibility and efficiency! Thanks to the Waouh Effect, companies save a lot of money that they would have been obliged to invest in advertising… Their traditional “high cost” competitors are obliged to spend a lot in publicity and advertising to make themselves known from the consumers, when efficient low cost companies benefit from this extraordinary Whaouh Effect, thus keeping their costs low… and becoming more and more attractive! At TVLowCost we have benefited from this phenomena several times already : our clients speak to other advertisers they know and recomend us to them… Nice ! BILL GATES said : “the best advertising ever is a satisfied customer”, what else to say ?



One response

2 12 2011
Cameron Eddington from caselvuud

conducts analysis including work flow, feasibility, cost/benefit, trend, andcause and effect analysis.

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